Flying With or Shipping Holiday Gifts?

While many of us will travel by air during the holidays, this time of year also marks the busiest season for sending packages. Many gift givers not only ship packages, but also bring gifts on board flights. If not disclosed and handled properly, lithium batteries and other hazardous materials such as food packed in dry ice or flammable liquids can present a serious risk. It’s important to know how to disclose, pack, and carry these products safely. If you’re flying and plan to bring on board a product such as a handheld vaping device or a spare cell phone or laptop battery, take the time to familiarize yourself with the carry-on and checked baggage guidelines for traveling with batteries and other hazardous materials while in the United States and Canada.

 If you’re sending a gift, it’s important to research safe shipping guidelines and disclose hazardous materials before mailing holiday packages. Be sure to check with the shipping company you’re using for guidelines. For years, ALPA has also looked beyond the batteries that individual consumers carry on board or ship to the fire safety concerns surrounding the transport pf shipments of batteries as cargo. Many holiday gifts and products sold year-round rely on lithium batteries that are transported in much larger quantities as freight aboard all-cargo aircraft.

 Safeguarding the shipment of lithium batteries by air is a top priority for ALPA. We’re calling on the U.S. Department of Transportation to regulate lithium batteries with the full range of safety protections required for all other dangerous goods transported by air. These safeguards include limits on the number of batteries that can be shipped together and special packaging requirements. While lithium batteries pose a serious aviation safety risk when handled improperly, each of us can help safeguard passengers, crews, and cargo. Learn more.

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